Our philosophy
Aimed at compounding wealth over the long term, our core focus is on investing in quality companies, seeking those businesses that we believe can deliver robust returns to shareholders.
We are proactive and dynamic, ensuring that your portfolio remains appropriately positioned to deliver results over the long term. Our considered approach weighs risk equally with returns, ensuring that portfolios are managed in accordance with our clients’ differing risk tolerances.
A collaborative process
Our highly experienced investment team, including dedicated research analysts, conducts our own extensive due diligence, supported by externally-sourced research.
Collective insight
Through thoughtful debate involving our full investment team, we reach informed decisions implemented across all portfolios. This way, every client benefits from the full value of our investment team’s combined knowledge and experience.
Portfolios aimed at compounding wealth
We apply a rigorous approach to investment, with equity selection centred on:
- Well established and resilient businesses which are supported by defendable competitive strengths
- Profitable companies delivering long-term growth in earnings and dividends
- Industry leaders with significant and growing addressable markets
We invest on a global basis, seeking the best investment opportunities regardless of geography.
We acknowledge that equities will not perform in all environments. Therefore we balance portfolios with diversifying asset classes, including fixed interest and infrastructure. This provides resilience against more challenging backdrops, helping to compound wealth over the long term.
Macro themes
Our philosophy and approach to equity selection has resulted in our portfolios including exposure to a number of key global economic themes.
The digital transformation is expected to continue accelerating. This means continued growth for areas such as e-commerce and cloud computing, as well as greater demand for connectivity.
Increasing global population
The worldwide population is expected to grow from the current 7.7 billion people to approximately 9.7 billion by 2050. This means more demand for, among others, energy and infrastructure, as well as consumer staples.
As the global population grows, so does the demand for natural resources to sustain current lifestyles. This means opportunity for sectors such as food and nutrition, energy efficiency and transition.
Ageing populations
The world’s share of older people is growing as more people are living longer. This has implications for healthcare and pharmaceutical developments, as well as insurance and asset management.
Fund Portfolio Service
A discretionary fund management offering, the WS Opie Street funds ensure a comprehensive and diversified investment solution. The range consists of three funds with varying risk profiles and investment objectives. Our Fund Portfolio Service is aimed at clients with a minimum investment of £20,000.

AIM Portfolio Service
A discretionary service that offers exposure to a diversified portfolio of smaller UK-listed companies which offer attractive growth prospects, alongside the potential for Inheritance Tax (IHT) relief. Our AIM Portfolio Service is a supplementary service for those of our clients with significant bespoke portfolios.